A stunning European-styled café featuring our custom textured glass for this space’s bar and kitchen.
For our final installment of our February Textured Art Glass Product Focus, the team at Archetype Glass is very proud to feature our Officina Café project in Washington, DC. as our most recent Project Spotlight.
Opened in 2018, and designed by renown D.C.-based hospitality designers and architects Grupo 7, the space features one of our clear, vertically rippled Textured Art Glass solutions above the café’s bar and along the open-concept kitchen. Grupo 7’s design program for the space called for as much natural light to permeate the space as possible; our custom glass with its muted transparency but high light transmittance allowed for light from the street to reach the back corners of the space, all while elegantly “hiding” the areas behind the bar and in the kitchen.
Officina Café was featured in an October 2018 article of Eater Washington DC; we welcome you to explore the article, including chef Nicholas Stefanelli’s vision for the space, as well as how the space influences his vision for the café’s food and service program.
(Images courtesy of the published Eater Washington DC article.)