In the late summer of 1999, a small team of rural Pennsylvanian glass manufacturing professionals set-off on their own to create a new kind of custom glass company. Emboldened by their launch of a new and one-of-a-kind glass laminating process they innovated themselves, and inspired by their passion for helping the industry’s intrepid interior designers achieve their visions, the company that would soon become Archetype Glass, was born.

This month, Archetype Glass celebrates our 25th anniversary. And although the manufacturing processes have gotten more sophisticated, the interior design trends have evolved, and the scale and scope of the projects we’ve supported have grown immensely, what hasn’t changed is our passion for crafting custom laminated glass for America’s leading interior designers and architects.

Over the coming months, we’ll be having some fun celebrating our anniversary with a series of articles recollecting the unique innovations and projects that “laminated together” become our history. If you have an Archetype Glass-inspired memory from the last 25 years we’d love to hear from you too! Reach out to your Customer Experience Representative, and we’d love to feature your story.